
Muhammad Shaaban

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Muhammad Shaaban



特聘教授 Professor (Disntinguished)


土壤生态与气候变化            Soil Ecology and Climate Change

微生物过程和环境影响          Microbial Processes and Environmental Impacts

生物地球化学                  Biogeochemistry

土壤-植物-大气相互作用         Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interaction

污染环境(水、土)的修复与治理 Remediation of Polluted Environments (Soil, Water)





Dr. Muhammad Shaaban holds the prestigious title of Distinguished Professor (Full) at Henan University of Science and Technology. His research primarily explores Soil Ecology and Climate Change, with a particular focus on Microbial Processes and Environmental Impacts, Greenhouse Gases in Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions, and the Remediation of Polluted Environments (Soil, Water). He has earned multiple research awards and led significant research projects. He has published over 100 scientific articles in prestigious journals and holds esteemed positions on the editorial boards of various top-tier research journals. Dr. Muhammad Shaaban is actively engaged in TRER (Teaching, Research, Editing, and Revewing). His lab welcomes graduate students, including both Masters and PhD candidates from around the world, to join and study.




(一)教育经历 Education

2012 − 2015 PhD (Soil Science) - Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China

(二)工作简历 Work Experience

2015.07 – 2018.11 Post-doctorate - Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China

2018.11 – 2020.12 Assistant Professor - Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.

2021.01 – 2022.12 Post-doctorate - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China

2023.06 −               Professor(Distinguished) - Henan University of Science and Technology, China

(三)作为首席研究员的项目资助 Research Projects

1. pH调控下土壤N2O还原的酶促遗传机制 国家自然科学基金 Enzymatic and genetic mechanisms of soil N2O reduction in response to pH manipulation – NSFC (41750110485) 2018-2019

2. 酸性土壤pH管理响应的一氧化二氮排放:遗传和酶机制 中国博士后科学基金Nitrous oxide emissions in response to pH management of acidic soils: genetic and enzymatic mechanisms – CPSF (2017M622478) 2017-2018

3. 了解土壤恢复过程中一氧化二氮排放和氮转化的动态 中国科学院-国际人才计划项目 Understanding the dynamics of nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen transformations during rehabilitation of soils – CAS (2020PC0066) 2021-2022

(四)奖项/荣誉  Awards/Honor

1.Gold Medal (1st position) Master Degree (2010)

2.Fully Funded PhD Scholarship (CSC) (2011)

3.Annual Research Competition Award (2nd), Huazhong Agricultural University, China (2013)

4.Annual Soil Science Scholarship, Huazhong Agricultural University (2014)

5.Outstanding Alumni, HZAU (2020)

6.Researcher of the Year, National Agricultural Youth Commission, Pakistan (2020-2021)



(一)科研论文 Publications

1. Shaaban M. (2024) Microbial pathways of nitrous oxide emissions and mitigation approaches in drylands. Journal of Environmental Management. 354: 120393 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120393 (Impact factor: 8.7).

2. Shaaban M., Wang X., Song P., Hou X., Wei Z. (2024) Microplastic Pollution and E-Waste: Unraveling Sources, Mechanisms, and Impacts Across Environments. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. Accepted, in Press. (Impact factor: 9.3).

3. Shaaban M., Wang X-L., Song P., Hou X., Wu Y., Hu R. (2023) Ascription of nosZ gene, pH and copper for mitigating N2O emissions in acidic soils. Environmental Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.117059. (Impact factor: 8.3).

4. Shaaban M., Hu R., Wu Y., Song L., Xu P. (2023) Soil pH management for mitigating N2O emissions through nosZ (Clade I and II) gene abundance in rice paddy system. Environmental Research. 225:115542. (Impact factor: 8.431).

5. Shaaban M., Wu Y., Nunez-Delgado A., Kuzyakov Y., Peng Q-A., Lin S., Hu R. (2023) Enzyme activities and organic matter mineralization in response to application of gypsum, manure and rice straw in saline and sodic soils. Environmental Research. 224:115393. (Impact factor: 8.431).

6. Shaaban M., Khalid M.S., Hu R., Zhou M. (2022) Effects of water regimes on soil N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions following addition of dicyandiamide and N fertilizer. Environmental Research. 212: 113544. (Impact factor: 6.4).

7. Shaaban M., Hatano R., Martínez-Espinosa R.M., Wu Y. (2022) Editorial: Nitrogen in the Environment. Front. Environ. Sci. 9:829104. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.829104 (Impact factor: 4.4).

8. Shaaban M., Wu Y., Wu L., Hu R., Younas A., Nunez-Delgado A., Xu P., Sun Z., Lin S., Xu X., Jiang Y. (2020) The effects of pH change through liming on soil N2O emissions. Processes. 8: 702; https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8060702. (Impact factor: 1.963).

9. Shaaban M., Hu R., Wu Y., Younas A., Xu X., Zheng S., Jiang Y., Lin S. (2019) Mitigation of N2O emissions from urine treated acidic soils by liming. Environmental Pollution. 255: 113237 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113237. (Impact factor: 5.714).

10. Shaaban M., Peng Q., Bashir S., Yupeng W., Younas A., Xu X., Rashti M.R., Abid M., Zafar-ul-Hye M., Delgado A.N., Horwath, W.R., Jiang Y., Lin S., Hu R. (2019) Restoring effect of soil acidity and Cu on N2O emissions from an acidic soil. Journal of Environmental Management. 250: 109535 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109535. (Impact factor: 4.865).

11. Shaaban M., Wu Y., Khalid M.S., Peng Q., Xu X., Wu L., Younas A., Bashir S., Mo Y., Lin S., Zafar-ul-Hye M., Abid M., Hu R. (2018) Reduction in soil N2O emissions by pH manipulation and enhanced nosZ gene transcription under different water regimes. Environmental Pollution. 235:625-631. (Impact factor: 5.099)

12. Shaaban M., Zwieten L.V., Bashir S., Younas A., Núñez-Delgado A, Chhajro MA, Kubar KA, Ali U., Rana MS., Mehmood MA., Hu R. (2018) A concise review of biochar application to agricultural soils to improve soil conditions and fight pollution. Journal of Environmental Management. 228:429-440. (Impact factor: 4.005)

13. Shaaban M., Wu Y., Peng Q., Wu L., Zwieten V.L., Khalid M., Younas A., Lin S., Zhao J., Bashir S., Zafar-Ul-Hye M., Abid M., Hu R. (2018) The interactive effects of dolomite application and straw incorporation on soil N2O emission. European Journal of Soil Science. 69: 502–511 doi: 10.1111/ejss.12541. (Impact factor: 3.475)

14. Shaaban M., Wu L., Peng Q., Zwieten V.L., Chhajro M.A., Wu Y., Lin S., Ahmed M.A., Khalid M.S., Abid M., Hu R. (2017) Influence of ameliorating soil acidity with dolomite on the priming of soil C content and CO2 emission. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:9241-9250 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8602-8. (Impact factor: 2.760)

15. Shaaban M., Wu Y., Peng Q., Lin S., Mo Y., Wu L., Hu R., Wei Z. (2016) Effects of dicyandiamide and dolomite application on N2O emission from an acidic soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23: 6334–6342. (Impact factor: 2.760).

16. Shaaban M., Peng Q., Yupeng Lin S, Wu, Khalid MS, Lei W, Mo Y, Hu R. (2016) Dolomite application enhances CH4 uptake in acidic soils. Catena. 140: 9–14. (Impact factor: 2.82).

17. Shaaban M., Peng Q., Hu R., Lin S., Zhao J. (2016) Soil nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions following incorporation of above and below ground biomass of green bean. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 13: 179–186. (Impact factor: 2.344).

18. Shaaban M., Peng Q., Hu R., Lin S., Zhao J. (2015) Dolomite application to acidic soils: a promising option for mitigating N2O emissions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22:19961–19970. (Impact factor: 2.828).

19. Shaaban M., Peng Q., Hu R., Lin S., Zhao J. (2014) Nitrous oxide emission from two acidic paddy soils as affected by dolomite application. Soil Research. 52(8):841-848. (Impact factor: 1.32)

20. Shaaban M., Peng Q., Hu R., Lin S., Zhao J. (2014) Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen mineralization strongly affect CO2 emissions following lime application to acidic soil. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan. 36(5):875-879. (Impact factor: 0.612)

21. Shaaban M., Abid M., Reda R.A.I. (2013) Amelioration of salt affected soils in rice paddy system by application of organic and inorganic amendments. Plant, Soil and Environment. 59:227-233. (Impact factor: 1.113).

22. Shaaban M., Abid M., Qian P. (2013) Short term influence of gypsum, farm manure and commercial humic acid on physical properties of salt affected soil in rice paddy system. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan. 35:1034-1040. (Impact factor: 0.61).

23. Cai Y., Chen X., Qi H., Bu F., Shaaban M., Peng Q. (2024) Genome Analysis of Shewanella putrefaciens 4H Revealing the Potential Mechanisms for the Chromium Remediation. BMC Genomics. 25 (136): 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-024-10031-9 (Impact factor: 4.4).

24. Wang R., Hu R., Wu Y., Shaaban M., Zhang T., Pan G., Lu J., Jiang Y. (2024) Elevation-dependent natural regeneration of Abies georgei var. smithii forest in Southeastern Tibet. Forests. 15:142. https://doi.org/10.3390/f15010142 (Impact factor: 2.9).

25. Hu J., Shaaban M., Wang Y., Lin S., Li H., Wu X., Hu R. (2024) Zero-valent iron addition straw-derived carbon accumulation in submerged soil. Soil and Tillage Research. In Press (Impact factor: 6.5).

26. Xu P., Jiang M., Khan I., Shaaban M., Wu H., Harerimana B., Hu R. (2024) Regulatory potential of soil available carbon, nitrogen, and functional genes on N2O emissions in two upland plantation systems. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. In Press (Impact factor: 4.8).

27. Peng Q., Wu X., Tan X., Wang Y., Cai Y., Shaaban M., Hu R., (2024). The effect of different carbon sources on nitrate dependent iron-oxidation process, bacterial diversity and C protagonist in varied texture soils. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. In Press (Impact factor: 3.9).

28. Tan X., Yang J., Shaaban M., Cai Y., Wang B., Peng Q. (2023) Cr(VI) removal from wastewater using nano zero-valent iron and chromium-reducing bacteria. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-30292-3 (Impact factor: 5.8).

29. Anastopoulos I., Bontempi E., Coccia M., Quina M., Shaaban M. (2023) Sustainable strategic materials recovery, what’s next? Next Sustainability. In Press.

30. Dua L. Wang H., Zhang Z., Zhoua Y., Xiao Z., Shaaban M., Núñez-Delgado A., Suna G., Yua Y., Xiaoa Z., Hua T. (2023) Effects of long-term rice-crayfish farming on 1 soil CNP storage and stoichiometry. Soil and Tillage Research. Accepted, in press. (Impact factor: 6.5).

31. Sun Z., Li H., Hu J., Wu X., Su R., Yan L., Sun S., Saaban M., Wang Y., Qu´en´ea K., Hu R. (2023) Fe(III) stabilizing soil organic matter and reducing methane emissions in paddy fields under varying flooding conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 259 (2023) 114999 (Impact factor: 6.8).

32. Martínez-Espinosa R.M., Hatano R., Wu Y., Shaaban M. (2023) Editorial: Nitrogen dynamics and load in soils. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1197902. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1197902 (Impact factor: 4.6).

33. Wu Y., He J., Liu W., Cheng W., Shaaban M., Jiang Y. (2023) The effects of continuous straw returning strategies on SOC balance upon fresh straw incorporation. Environmental Research. 232: 116225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.116225. (Impact factor: 8.431).

34. Aon M., Aslam Z., Hussain S., Bashir MA., Shaaban M., Masood S., Iqbal S., Khalid M., Rehim A., Mosa WFA., Sas-Paszt L., Marey SA., Hatamaleh AA. (2023) Wheat straw biochar produced at a low temperature enhanced maize growth and yield by influencing soil properties of Typic calciargid. Sustainablity. 15: 9488. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15129488 (Impact factor: 3.889).

35. Wu Y., Li Q., Zhen Y., Xiong X., Chen Y., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2023) Optimizing biochar addition for vermicomposting: A comprehensive evaluation of earthworms’ activity, N2O emissions and composts quality. Biochar. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42773-022-00203-9 (Impact factor: 11.4).

36. Ali U., Abdelrhman F., Bashir S., Shaaban M., Shah Z., Rady O., Fu Q., Zhu J., Hu H. (2023) Efficacy of Different Amendments and Residual Effects on Nickel Toxicity and Nutritional Quality in Wheat/Rice Continuous System and Health Risk Assessment in Ultisol. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. Accepted, in Press. (Impact factor: 2.242).

37. Xu P, Jiang M., Khan I., Shaaban M., Zhao J., Yang T., Hu R. (2023) The effect of upland crop planting on field N2O emission from rice-growing seasons: A case study comparing rice-wheat and rice-rapeseed rotations. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 347 (2023) 108365. (Impact factor: 6.576).

38. Yang J., Tan X., Shaaban M., Cai Y., Wang B., Peng Q. (2022) Remediation of Cr(VI)-Contaminated Soil by Biochar-Supported Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron and the Consequences for Indigenous Microbial Communities. Nanomaterials. Accepted, in press. (Impact factor: 5.719).

39. Ren B., Chen P., Shaaban M. *, Yang X., Chen Y., Zhang Z., Chen B., Peng T., Nú˜nez-Delgado A. (2022) Appraisal of different land use systems for heterotrophic respiration in a Karst landscape. Environmental Research. 212: 113480 (Impact factor: 6.4).

40. Na L., Hu C., Jiang Y., Hu R., Shaaban M., Younas A., Wu Y. (2022) Earthworms promote the transfer of 15N-urea to lettuce while limit appreciably increase 15N losing to environment. Environmental Research. 212: 113423 (Impact factor: 6.4).

41. Younas H.S., Abid M., Ashraf M., Shaaban M. (2022) Seed priming with silicon and chitosan for alleviating water stress effects in maize (Zea mays L.) by improving antioxidant enzyme activities, water status and photosynthesis. Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2022.2046070 (Impact factor: 1.7)

42. Xu P., Jiang M., Jiang Y., Khan I., Zhou W., Wu H., Wu X., Shaaban M., Lu J., Hu R. (2022) Prior nitrogen fertilization stimulated N2O emission from rice cultivation season under a rapeseed-rice production system.  Plant and Soil. 471: 685-696. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-05162-x. (Impact factor: 4.192)

43. Aamer M., Chattha M. B., Mahmood A., Naqve M., Hassan M. U., Shaaban M., Rasul F., Batool M., Rasheed A., Tang H., Chuan Z., Shao J., Huang G. (2021) Rice residue-based biochar mitigates N2O emission from acid red soil. Agronomy, 11, 2462. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11122462. (Impact factor: 3.417)

44. Harerimana, B., Zhou, M., Shaaban, M., Zhu B. (2021) Estimating nitrogen flows and nitrogen footprint for agro-food system of Rwanda over the last five decades: challenges and measures. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9:778699. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.778699. (Impact factor: 4.4)

45. Jiang M., Yanga N., Zhao J., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2021) Crop straw incorporation mediates the impacts of soil aggregate size on greenhouse gas emissions. Geoderma. 41: 115342 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115342. (Impact factor: 6.114).

46. Ali U., Shaaban M., Bashir S., Chhajro M.A., Qian Li., Rizwan M.S., Fu Q., Zhu J., Hu H. (2021) Potential of organic and inorganic amendments for stabilizing nickel in acidic soil, and improving the nutritional quality of spinach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-14611-0. (Impact factor: 4.223)

47. Tan, X., Shaaban, M., Yang, J., Cai, Y., Wang, B., Peng, Q. (2021) Efficient removal of hexavalent chromium from an aquatic system using nanoscale zero-valent iron supported by ramie biochar. Nanomaterials. 11: 2698. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11102698 (Impact factor: 5.076)

48. Xu X., Zhang M., Xiong Y., Shaaban M., Yuan J., Hu R. (2021) Comparison of N2O emission from a cold waterlogged and normal paddy field. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences. 9: article 660133 https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.660133 (Impact factor: 4.581).

49. Aamir M., Hassan M.U., Shaaban M., Rasul F., Haiying T., Qiaoying M., Batool M., Rasheed A., Chuan Z., Qitao S., Guoqin H. (2021) Rice straw biochar mitigates N2O emissions under alternate wetting and drying conditions in paddy soil. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society. 25: 101172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jscs.2020.11.005. (Impact factor: 3.517).

50. Younas H.S., Abid M., Shaaban M., Ashraf M. (2021) Influence of silicon and chitosan on growth and physiological attributes of maize in a saline field. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. 27: 387-397 DOI: 10.1007/s12298-021-00940-4. (Impact factor: 2.005).

51. Wu H., Hu J., Shaaban M., Xu P., Zhao J., Hu R. (2021) The effect of dolomite amendment on soil carbon mineralization is determined by the dolomite size. Ecological Processes. Accepted, in press. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-020-00278-x (Impact factor: 1.642).

52. Younas H.S., Abid M., Ashraf M., Shaaban M. (2021) Growth, yield and physiological characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) at two different soil moisture regimes by supplying silicon and chitosan. Silicon. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-021-01033-3. (Impact factor: 1.499).

53. Lin S., Zhang S., Shen G., Shaaban M., Ju W., Cui Y., Duan C., Fang L. (2020) Effects of inorganic and organic fertilizers on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from tea plantation soil. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.090. (Impact factor: 4.212)

54. Wu Y., Liu J., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2020) Dynamics of soil N2O emissions and functional gene abundance in response to biochar application in the presence of earthworms. Environmental Pollution. 268: 117670 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115670 (Impact factor: 6.792).

55. Wu L., Hu R., Tang S., Shaaban M., Zhang W., Shen H., Xu M. (2020) Nitrous oxide emission in response to straw incorporation is regulated by historical fertilization. Environmental Pollution. 266: 115292 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115292. (Impact factor: 6.792).

56. Aamer M., Shaaban M., Hassan M.U., Ying L., Haiying T., Qiaoying M., Munir H., Rasheed A., Xinmei L., Ping L., Guoqin H. (2020) N2O emission mitigation in acidic soil following biochar application under different moisture regimes. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-020-00311-0. (Impact factor: 2.156).

57. Xu P., Zhou W., Jiang M., Khan I., Shaaban M., Jiang Y., Hu R. (2020) Nitrogen fertilizer application in the rice-growing season can stimulate methane emissions during the subsequent flooded fallow period. Science of the Total Environment. 744:140632 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140632. (Impact factor: 6.551).

58. Xu P., Zhou W., Jiang M., Shaaban M., Zhou M., Zhu B., Ren X., Jiang Y., Hu R. (2020) Conversion of winter flooded rice paddy planting to rice-wheat rotation decreased methane emissions during the rice-growing seasons. Soil and Tillage Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2019.104490. (Impact factor: 4.675).

59. Jiang Y., Zhang X., Hu R., Zhao J., Fan M., Shaaban M., Wu Y. (2020) Urban atmospheric environment quality assessment by naturally growing bryophytes in central China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 4537; doi:10.3390/ijerph17124537. (Impact factor: 2.468).

60. Rana M.S., Murtaza G., Hu C., Sun X., Imran M., Afzal J., Elyamine A.M., Khan Z., Riaz M., Shaaban M., Waris M.I. (2020) Nitrate leaching losses reduction and optimization of N-use efficiency in Triticum aestivum L. and Oryza sativa L. crop rotation for enhancing crop productivity. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 57(3); 645-653. (Impact factor: 0.61).

61. Zafar-Ul-Hye M., Farooq U., Danish S., Hussain S., Shaaban M., Qayyum M.F., Rehim A. (2020) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Alcaligenes faecalis with biogas slurry improved maize growth and yield in saline-sodic field. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 52(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-5(20). (Impact factor: 0.75).

62. Nunez-Delgado A., Zhou Y., Anastopoulos I., Shaaban M. (2020). New Research on Soil Degradation and Restoration. Journal of Environmental Management. 269: 110851. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman. 2020.110851. (Impact factor: 4.865).

63. Rana M.S., Sun X., Imran M., Ali S., Shaaban M., Moussa M.G., Khan Z., Afzal J., Binyamin R., Bhantana P., Alam M., Din I.U., Younas M., Hu C. (2020) Molybdenum-induced effects on leaf ultra-structure and rhizosphere phosphorus transformation in Triticum aestivum L. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 153: 20–29. (Impact factor: 3.404).

64. Xiaoying Z., Qingwen Z., Hui Z., Hussain H.A., Shaaban M., Zhengli Y. (2020) Pathways of nitrogen loss and optimized nitrogen management for a rice cropping system in arid irrigation region, northwest China. Journal of Environmental Management. 268: 110702, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110702. (Impact factor: 4.865).

65. Yu J., Lin S., Shaaban M., Ju W., Fang L. (2020) Nitrous oxide emissions from tea garden soil following the addition of urea and rapeseed cake. Journal of Soils and Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02641-z. (Impact factor: 2.669).

66. Wu H., Hao X., Xu P., Hu J., Jiang M., Shaaban M., Zhao J. Wu Y., Hu
R. (2020) CO2 and N2O emissions in response to dolomite application are moisture dependent in an acidic paddy soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02652-w (Impact factor: 2.669).

67. Jiang M., Xu P., Zhou W., Shaaban M., Zhao J., Ren T., Lu J., Hu R. (2020) Prior nitrogen fertilization regulates CH4 emissions from rice cultivation by increasing soil carbon storage in a rapeseed-rice rotation. Applied Soil Ecology. 155: 103633. (Impact factor: 3.445).

68. Rana M.S., Hu C.X., Shaaban M., Imran M., Afzal J., Moussa M.G., Elyamine A.M., Bhantana P., Saleem M.H., Syaifudin M., Kamran M., Shah M.A., Sun X. (2020) Soil phosphorus transformation characteristics in response to molybdenum supply in leguminous crops. Journal of Environmental Management. 268: 110610, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110610 (Impact factor: 4.865).

69. Xu X., Zhang, M., Xiong Y., Yuan J., Shaaban M., Zhou W., Hu R. (2020) The influence of soil temperature, methanogens and methanotrophs on methane emissions from cold waterlogged paddy fields. Journal of Environmental Management. 264: 110421. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110421 (Impact factor: 4.865).

70. Zafar-ul-Hye M., Mahmood F., Danish S., Hussain S., Gul M., Yaseen R., Shaaban M. (2020) Evaluating efficacy of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and potassium fertilizer on spinach growth under salt stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 52(4), DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2020-4(7) (Impact factor: 0.75).

71. Zafar-ul-Hye M., Wasim M.M., Munir T.M., Aon M., Shaaban M., Abbas M., Hussain M., Ahmad M. (2020) Co-application of sugarcane bagasse biochar, farmyard manure and mineral nitrogen improved growth indices of corn grown in alkaline calcareous soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 43: 1293-1305. (Impact factor: 0.753).

72. Ali U., Shaaban M., Bashir S., Gao R., Fu Q., Zhu J., Hu H. (2020) Rice straw, biochar and calcite incorporation enhance nickel (Ni) immobilization in contaminated soil and Ni Removal capacity. Chemosphere. 244: 125418. (Impact factor: 5.108).

73. Wu Y., Chen Y., Shaaban M., Zhu D., Hu C., Chen Z., Wang Y. (2019) Evaluation of microbial inoculants pretreatment in straw and manure co-composting process enhancement. Journal of Cleaner Production. 239 (2019) 118078. (Impact factor: 6.395).

74. Bashir S., Ali U., Shaaban M., Gulshan A.B., Iqbal J., Khan S., Husain A., Ahmed N., Mehmood S., Kamran M., Hu H. (2019) Role of sepiolite for cadmium (Cd) polluted soil restoration and spinach growth in wastewater irrigated agricultural soil. Journal of Environmental Management. 258: 110020. (Impact factor: 4.865).

75. Aamer M., Shaaban M., Hassan M.U., Guoqin H., Ying L., Ying T.H., Rasul F., Qiaoying M., Zhuanling L., Rasheed A., Peng Z. (2019)  Biochar mitigates the N2O emissions from acidic soil by increasing the nosZ and nirK gene abundance and soil pH. Journal of Environmental Management. 255: 109891. (Impact factor: 4.865).

76. Ali U., Shaaban M., Bashir S., Fu Q., Zhu J., Islam M.S., Hu H. (2019) Effect of rice straw, biochar and calcite on maize plant and Ni bioavailability in acid Ni contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109674. (Impact factor: 4.865).

77. Kamran M., Malik Z., Parveen A., Zong Y., Abbasi G.H., Rafiq M.T., Shaaban M., Mustafa A., Bashir S., Rafay M., Mehmood S., Ali M. (2019) Biochar alleviates Cd phytotoxicity by minimizing bioavailability and oxidative stress in pak choi (Brassica chinensis L.) cultivated in Cd-polluted soil. Journal of Environmental Management. 250: 109500. (Impact factor: 4.865).

78. Peng Q.A., Shaaban M., Wu Y., Liu F., Hu R., Wang B. (2019) Nitrate dependent Fe-oxidizing bacterial diversity in subtropical soils of China. Catena.  176: 181–188. (Impact factor: 3.256)

79. Sun Z., Qian X., Shaaban M., Wu L., Hu J., Hu R. (2019) Effects of iron(III) reduction on organic carbon decomposition in two paddy soils under flooding conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Accepted, in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-04600-9 (Impact factor: 2.800)

80. Ali U., Bashir S., Shaaban M., Zhou X., Gao R., Zhu J., Fu Q., Hu H. (2019) Influence of various passivators on for nickel immobilization in contaminated soil of China. Environmental Engineering Science. 36: 1396-1403 (Impact factor: 1.575).

81. Khalid M.S., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2019) N2O, CH4 and CO2 emissions from continuous flooded, wet and flooded converted to wet soils. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 19: 342-352. (Impact factor: 2.11)

82. Bashir S., Salam A., Rehman M., Khan S., Gulshan A.B., Iqbal J., Shaaban M., Mehmood S., Zahra A., Hu H. (2019) Effective role of biochar, zeolite and steel slag on leaching behavior of Cd and its fractionations in soil column study. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 102: 567-572. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-019-02573-6. (Impact factor: 1.480)

83. Danish A., Zafar-ul-Hye M., Hussain M., Shaaban M., Núñez-Delgado A., Hussain S., Qayyum M.F. (2019) Rhizobacteria with ACC-deaminase activity improve nutrient uptake, chlorophyll contents and early seedling growth of wheat under PEG-induced osmotic stress. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 21: 1212-1220. (Impact factor: 0.869)

84. Zafar-ul-Hye M., Bhutta T.S., Shaaban M., Hussain S., Qayyum M.F., Aslam U., Zahir Z.A. (2019) Influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacterial inoculation on wheat crop productivity under soil salinity stress. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany. 88: 119-129. DOI:10.32604/phyton.2019.06570. (Impact factor: 0.282)

85. Bashir S., Hussain Q., Shaaban M., Hu H. (2018) Efficiency and surface characterization of different plant derived biochar for cadmium (Cd) mobility, bioaccessibility and bioavailability to Chinese cabbage in highly contaminated soil. Chemosphere. 211: 632-639. (Impact factor: 4.427)

86. Younas A., Waris M.I., Chang X.Q., Shaaban M., Abdelnabby H., ul Qamar M.T., Wang M.Q. (2018) A chemosensory protein MsepCSP5 involved in chemoreception of oriental armyworm Mythimna separata. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 14(14): 1935-1949. doi: 10.7150/ijbs.27315 (Impact factor: 4.057).

87. Jiang Y., Wang J., Shaaban M., Zhou A., Hao R., Wu Y. (2018) How do earthworms affect decomposition of residues with different quality apart from fragmentation and incorporation? Geoderma. 326: 68–75. (Impact factor: 4.036)

88. Wu L., Wu X., Lin S., Wu Y., Tang S., Zhou M., Shaaban M., Zhao J., Hu R., Kuzyakov K., Wu J. (2018) Carbon budget and greenhouse gas balance during the initial years after rice paddy conversion to vegetable cultivation. Science of the Total Environment. 627:46-56. (Impact factor: 4.976)

89. Wu Y., Shaaban M., Peng Q., Zhou A., Hu R. (2018) Impacts of earthworm activity on the fate of straw carbon in soil: A microcosm experiment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25:11054-11062. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-1397-4 (Impact factor: 2.760)

90. Wu L., Wu X., Shaaban M., Zhou M., Zhao J., Hu R. (2018) Decrease in the annual emissions of CH4 and N2O following the initial land management change from rice to vegetable production. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 5:13014-13025. (Impact factor: 2.760)

91. Bashir S., Shaaban M., Hussain Q., Mehmood S., Zhu J., Fu Q., Aziz O.,  Hu H. (2018) Influence of organic and inorganic passivators on Cd and Pb stabilization and microbial biomass in a contaminated paddy soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 18:2948-2959 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-018-1981-8 (Impact factor: 2.522)

92. Bashir S., Shaaban M., Mehmood S., Zhu J., Fu Q., Hu H (2018) Efficiency of C3 and C4 plant derived-biochar for Cd mobility, nutrient cycling and microbial biomass in contaminated soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 100:834-838 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-018-2332-6 (Impact factor: 1.412)

93. Bashir S., Rizwan M.S., Salam A., Fu Q., Zhu J., Shaaban M., Hu H. (2018) Cadmium immobilization potential of rice straw-derived biochar, zeolite and rock phosphate: extraction techniques and adsorption mechanism. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 100:727-732 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-018-2310-z (Impact factor: 1.412)

94. Younas A., Waris M.I., Ul Qamar M.T., Shaaban M., Prager S., Wang M.Q., (2018) Functional analysis of the chemosensory protein MsepCSP8 from the oriental armyworm Mythimna separata.  Frontiers in Physiology. 9:1-15 https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2018.00872 (Impact factor: 3.394)

95. Bashir S., Salam A., Chhajro M.A., Fu Q., Khan M.J., Zhu J., Shaaban M., Kubar K.A., Ali U., Hu H. (2018) Comparative efficiency of rice husk derived biochar (RHB) and steel slag (SS) on cadmium (Cd) mobility and its uptake by Chinese cabbage in highly contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 20: 1221-1228. (Impact factor: 1.770).

96. Wu L., Tang S., He D., Wu X., Shaaban M., Wang M., Zhao J., Khan I., Zheng X., Hu R., Horwath W.R. (2017) Conversion from rice to vegetable production increases N2O emission via increased soil organic matter mineralization. Science of the Total Environment. 583: 190-201. (Impact factor: 4.976)

97. Zhou W., Lin S., Wu L., Zhao J., Wang M., Zhu B., Mo Y., Hu R., Chadwick D., Shaaban M. (2017) Substantial N2O emission during the initial period of the wheat season due to the conversion of winter-flooded paddy to rice-wheat rotation. Atmospheric Environment. 170:269-278 doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.09.021. (Impact factor: 3.629)

98. Muhammad Abid, Subhan Danish, Muhammad Zafar-ul-Hye, Muhammad Shaaban, Muhammad Mutahir Iqbal, Abdur Rehim, Muhammad Farooq Qayyum, Muhammad Nadir Naqqash (2017) Biochar increased photosynthetic and accessory pigments in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants by reducing cadmium concentration under various irrigation waters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:22111-22118 DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-9866-8 (Impact factor: 2.760).

99. Muhammad Afzal Chhajro, Qingling Fu, Muhammad Shaaban, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Zhu Jun, Abdus Salam, Kashif Ali Kubar, Saqib Bashir, Hu Hongqing, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro (2017) Identifying the functional groups and the influence of synthetic chelators on Cd availability and microbial biomass carbon in Cd contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 20: 168-174 (Impact factor: 1.77).

100. Younas A., Wakeel W., Khan Z., Shaaban M., Prager S.M. (2017) The efficacy of Beauveria bassiana, jasmonic acid and chlorantraniliprole on larval populations of Helicoverpa armigera in chickpea crop ecosystems. Pest Management Science. 73: 418–424. (Impact factor: 2.811).

101. Yu-peng W., Shaaban M., Deng C., Peng Q., Hu R. (2017) Changes in the soil N potential mineralization and nitrification in a rice paddy after 20 years application of chemical fertilizers and organic matter. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 97:1-10. (Impact factor: 1.121).

102. Ullah B., Shaaban M., Hu R., Zhao J., Lin S. (2016) Assessing soil nitrous oxide emission as affected by phosphorous and nitrogen addition under two moisture levels. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 15: 2865–2872. (Impact factor: 0.724).

103. Peng Q., Shaaban M., Wu Y., Hu R., Wang B., Wang J. (2016) The diversity of iron reducing bacteria communities in subtropical paddy soils of China. Applied Soil Ecology. 101: 20–27. (Impact factor: 2.644)

104. Peng Q., Shaaban M., Hu R., Mo Y., Wu Y., Ullah B. (2015) Effects of soluble organic carbon addition on CH4 and CO2 emissions from paddy soils regulated by iron reduction processes. Soil Research. 53:316-324. (Impact factor: 1.32).

105. Wu Y., Shaaban M., Zhao J., Hao R., Hu R. (2015) Effect of the earthworm gut-stimulated denitrifiers on soil nitrous oxide emissions. European Journal of Soil Biology. 70: 104-110 (Impact factor: 1.719)

106. Wu Y., Tian L., Peng Q., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2015) Effect of straw returning in winter fallow in Chinese rice fields on greenhouse gas emissions: evidences from an incubation study. Soil Research. 53:298-305. (Impact factor: 1.32).

107. Liu S., Hu R., Zhao J., Brüggemann N., Bol R., Cai G., Lin S., Shaaban M. (2014) Flooding effects on soil phenol oxidase activity and phenol release during rice straw decomposition. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 177:541-547. (Impact factor: 1.663).

108. Abid M., Ahmed N., Qayyum M.F., Shaaban M., Rashid A. (2013) Residual and cumulative effect of fertilizer zinc applied in wheat-cotton production system in an irrigated aridisol. Plant Soil and Environment. 59(11):505-510 (Impact factor: 1.113).

109. Lin S., Iqbal J., Hu R., Shaaban M., Cai J., Chen X. (2013) Nitrous oxide emissions from yellow brown soil as affected by incorporation of crop residues with different carbon-to-nitrogen ratios: A case study in central China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 65: 183-192. (Impact factor: 2.012).

Non-SCI Publications

110. Shaaban M. (2019) Crop tolerance against salt stress. Journal of Plant Biology and Crop Research. 2: 1011-1012

111. Shaaban M. (2018) Emission of N2O gas from arable lands: relation with soil pH. Acta Scientific Agriculture. 2(2):1-1.

112. Shaaban M. (2018) Biochar: A Tool for Improving Soil Fertility. Acta Scientific Agriculture. 2(7):1-1.

113. Kubar K.A., Huang L., Hussain S., Afzal J., Chajjro M.A., Shaaban M., Bashir S., Kubar M.S., Ndzana G.M., Kubar A.A. (2021) Role of tillage and straw management on SOC sequestration: a sustainable approach of soil conservation. Pure and Applied Biology. 10(1): 160-181. http://dx.doi.org/10.19045/bspab.2021.100018

114. Rana M.S., Bhantana P., Sun X., Imran M., Shaaban M., Moussa M.G., Saleem M.H., Elyamine A.M., Binyamin R., Alam M., Afzal J., Khan I., Din I.U., Ahmad I., Younas M., Kamran M., Hu C.X. (2020) Molybdenum as an essential element for crops: An overview. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research. 24(5): 18535-18547 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2020.24.004104

115. Mehmood M.A., Perveen R., Chohan S., Ishtiaq M., Ahmed M.M., Shaaban M., Younas A., Umer H., Akram N., Abid M., Sajid M. (2018) Epidemiological studies of tomato leaf curl virus and whitefly population and their management using botanicals. Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology. 30 (01) 2018. 27-36

116. Hafeez A., Arshad-Ullah M., Rasheed M., Mahmood I.A., Hyder S.I., Aamir S.S., Shaaban M., Mahmood T. (2017). Effect of soil salinity on germination and growth of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars. Journal of innovative Bio-Research. 1(1): 46-51.

117. Sun Yun, Muhammad Shaaban, He Zhilong, Zhang Shuiqing, Lin Shan (2017) Effects of biochar on tea garden soil amelioration and tea quality.  Soil and fertilizer Sciences in China. DOI: 10.11838/sfsc.20170602 (In Chinese with English abstract).

118. Zhi-long H., Wei Z., Ya-nan T., Shaaban M., Shan L. (2016) Nitrous oxide emissions and its impact factors in tea garden and woodland soils in subtropical hilly region of China . Journal of Agro-environment Science. 35: 1210-1217 (In Chinese with English abstract).

119. Yanan T., Shuiqing Z., Shan L., Shaaban M., Zhi-long H. (2015) Influence of soluble carbon and nitrogen additions on N2O and CO2 emissions from two soils with different organic carbon content. Journal of Agro-Environment Science. 34: 2410-2417 (In Chinese with English abstract).

120. Yanan T., Wenting N., Shuiqing Z., Shaaban M., Zhaoqi L., Xin Y., Shan L. (2015) CH4 fluxes and its influence factors under three land use type in the hilly red soil region of northern subtropical, China. Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 24(9): 1434-1440 (In Chinese with English abstract).

121. Yousaf M., Shaaban M., Ali S.A.I., Fahad S., Khan M.J., Wang Y., Shah A.N., Sabiel S.A.I., Osman K.A. (2014) The effect of nitrogen application rates and timings of first irrigation on wheat growth and yield. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. 2(4):2319-1473.

122. Wu Y., Tian L., Peng Q., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2014) Greenhouse gas emission in red soil as influenced by different C/N residues under nitrogen application. Journal of Agro-Environment Science. 33(10):2053-2062. (In Chinese with English abstract).

123. Wu Y., Peng Q., Shaaban M., Rong H., Hu R. (2014) Research progress of effect of straw returning on soil microorganism. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 30(29):175-183. (In Chinese with English abstract).

(二)会议 Conferences/Symposiums

1. Shaaban M. (2023) Ameliorating effect of soil acidity on N2O emissions; results from Chinese acidic soils. The 11th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (PSILPH) October 16-21, 2023, Nanjing, China. (Poster Presentation).

2. International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Solutions, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan (7-9 Nov 2022, Attended).

3. Shaaban M. (2022) Functional analysis of copper (Cu) and soil pH for the nosZ gene abundance and N2O emissions in acidic soils. 19th International Congress of Soil Science: Soil Health & Sustainable Development Goals UAF, Pakistan. 9-11 March 2022 (Oral Presentation).

4. Shaaban M. (2022) Food security and global climate change: A brief overview. National conference on soil degradation: An alarming threat to food security and environment 3, 4 March 2022, BZU. Multan-Pakistan (Oral Presentation).

5. Shaaban M. (2020) N2O emission mitigation through pH management of acidic soils. Online Plant Nutrition and Agroecology International Symposium, HZAU China. 21-22 December 2020 (Oral Presentation).

6. Shaaban M., Hu R. and Zafar-ul-Hye M. (2019) Genetic evaluation of soil N2O emissions. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security under Changing Climate Scenarios. Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan. 3-5 April 2019 (Oral Presentation).

7. Shaaban M. and Hu R. (2017) N2O emissions reduction by soil pH manipulation and enhanced nosZ gene transcription under different water regimes. 2017 Environmental Ecology Symposium, Center for Environmental Ecology, HZAU, Wuhan, China. 27 December 2017 (Oral Presentation).

8. Shaaban M., Hu R., Wu Y., Khalid M.S., Wu L. (2017) Reduction in soil N2O emissions via enhanced nosZ gene transcription under different water regimes. The 23rd International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Palm Cove, Australia. 25-29 September 2017 (Oral Presentation).

9. Wu Y., Shaaban M., Peng Q., Zhou A., Ronggui Hu. (2017) The impact of earthworms’ activity on the fate of straw carbon in soil: A microcosm experiment. The 23rd International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Palm Cove, Australia. 25-29 September 2017.

10. Wu L., Wu X., Wu Y., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2017) Response of soil carbon budget and greenhouse gas balance to land-use transition from rice to vegetable cultivation. The 23rd International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Palm Cove, Australia. 25-29 September 2017.

11. Shaaban M., Peng Q., Wu L., Hu R. (2015) Nitrous oxide emission from an acidic soil as affected by dicyandiamide and dolomite application. 12th International Conference of ESAFS, 18-21 September, 2015, Nanjing, China. (Oral presentation)

12. Peng Q., Shaaban M., Yupeng W., Hu R. (2015) Effects of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate addition on N2O emissions from paddy soils. 12th International Conference of ESAFS, 18-21 September, 2015, Nanjing, China. (Poster presentation)

13. Wu L., Shaaban M., Hu R., Tang S., Han W. (2015) Initial greenhouse gas emissions associated with conversions of rice paddy to vegetable fields in sub-tropical China. 12th International Conference of ESAFS, 18-21 September, 2015, Nanjing, China. (Poster presentation)

14. Shaaban M., (2015) Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from acidic soils of China. National Conference of Post-doctors, 11-13 November 2015, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. (Oral presentation)

15. Shaaban M., Hu R., Peng Q., Shan L., Zhao J. (2014) The effects of dolomite addition on N2O emission from acidic soil. 20th World Congress of Soil Science. ICC Jeju, Korea. June 8-13, 2014. (Poster presentation)

16. Shaaban M., Hu R., Peng Q., Shan L., Zhao J. (2013) Nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emissions from two acidic soils as affected by dolomite application. The 21st International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Wuhan, China. 13-18 October 2013 (Oral Presentation)

17. Peng Q., Shaaban M., Hu R. (2013) Effect of straw incorporation on CH4 and N2O emission from two paddy soils. The 21st International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, Wuhan, China. 13-18 October 2013 (Poster presentation).



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